The Squealer allows you jump to the definition of 34 different languages.
This allows you to step-through your source code from JSP to Java to EJB to Stored
Procedure to Schema Definition. This brings a truly integrated environment.
Squealer uses the excellent Exuberant Ctags
to do the diffcult job of parsing
the different languages and producing a "tag" dictionary. This dictionary then is
used directly by the Squealer to search by name or part of name.
There are two ways to match a tag:
Supported Languages (thanks to Exuberant Ctags)
- Java
- C/C++
- C#
- Web languages: HTML, Javascript, ASP
- Scripting languages: Perl, Python, Shell, Awk, Tcl, Ruby
- XSL templates
The full list (of 33) is available on the
Exuberant Ctags languages page. The Squealer adds support for XSL Templates using
the extension facility of ctags. This makes up the total to 34 languages.
Loading Code
This is the text-based option that does partial and exact matches. Results are
written to the Command Results in the normal Squealer way.
For example hit Shift F6 and enter "find.*PersonalD" to return
the following matches. The results will be clickable (in Textpad anyway). Also
if only one result is returned you will be taken straight to it. If you want an
exact match put your cursor in a word and hit F6 to search for this
exact tag name. You will again either get multiple clickable results (in the
Results window) or be taken straight to it if the match is unique.
677: findAllPersonalDetailsTest
3981: findAllPersonalDetails
5394: findAllPersonalDetails
Loading Code with a GUI
For those of you who like GUI solution, this option gives you a nice window with
possible matches from an exact keyword using
Put your cursor over a word, hit F6 and you will either
get a list of choices if there are multiple matches, or the file will be opened
for you at the line in question.
The context is irrelevant, so if you are say in a logfile and you want to go
straight to a method in a stack trace, just select the word and you should be
straight in.