Version 1.42

The Importance
of Impatience
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The Squealer
Textpad Configuration
Textpad is our text editor of choice on Windows. It is an efficient editor that provides good basic editing facilities as well as key features for developers: syntax highlighting, tabulation control, auto-reload and regular expression search/replace.

The feature that makes Textpad ideal for Squealer integation is it's rich support for "tools", that is, calls to external programs. It gives:

  • Up to 64 tools (in Textpad 4.7 and above).
  • Support for capturing the output of tools in "Command Results".
  • Ability to define clickable links in the "Command Results" per tool.
  • Support for user input prompts when running a tool.
  • Support for passing of filenames in various forms to the tools.
  • Assigning custom keybindings for tools.

There's also some frustrations with Textpad, like inability to configure nice toolbars with appropriate icons for tools, no built-in ctags window, only one tool executing at a time (and only one Command Results window).

Configuring Squealer Tools

Anyhow, there are two ways to configure Textpad for Squealer operation:
  1. Run the script to create (or recreate) the Standard Squealer tools (This script is part of the standard Squealer release). This is the recommended installation route. It will remove all your existing Textpad tools, install the standard Squealer set and try to give you the default Squealer key bindings.
  2. Add each tool manually using the definitions on this page.

The Textpad support for user-defined keybindings is a little tricky to automate so if doesn't setup your keybindings correctly, you will have to assign your own keystrokes. We recommend you use the function keys as detailed below. Try Configure->Preferences, choose the Keyboard section and within this select the Tools category. All of your tools are listed alphabetically by name.

Standard Textpad Tools

KeystrokeTool Description
F1Edit Me CVS edit currently open file
Shift F1Unedit Me CVS unedit currently open file
Ctrl F1My History CVS history for currently open file
F2Diff Me CVS diff of two CVS revisions. First prompt is for older revision, second for newer revision, e.g. 1.13 and 1.16 diffs all changes between 1.13-1.16 inclusive. If a value is left blank then the latest (local) copy is assumed.
Shift F2Commit Me CVS commit currently open file
F3Squealer Basic Squealer command prompt. Used for any commands, but especially loading files, reloading dictionaries and changing project.
Shift F3Explorer Open Open Windows Explorer window in directory of currently open file.
F4Describe Me Describe currently open file.
Ctrl F4Quality Check Me Run Code Quality check on currently open file.
Shift F5Search Me Extension to default Textpad search (F5) to list all the search results in one snapshot with clickable results.
F6Load Code Exact Jump to definition of code "tag" in word under the cursor.
Shift F6Load Code Partial Jump to definition of code "tag", prompting for name to search on.
F7Grep Grep for a specified regular expression pattern in specified files.
F9Load File Load file from using current line as source input to find filename on.
Alt AGenerate Bean Code generation of accessor methods (get/set) for currently selected Java class fields (or whole file if none selected).

Manual Setup

All parameters are blank unless specified otherwise. You should replace the Initial Folder value of c:\work\squealer\bin with the path to your Squealer installation bin directory. Non-standard Textpad tools are also provided.

Edit Me

    Add DOS Command,
    Parameters = perl -edit -load $File
    Initial Folder = c:\work\squealer\bin
    Capture Output = Yes

Unedit Me

    Add DOS Command,
    Parameters = perl -unedit -load $File
    Initial Folder = c:\work\squealer\bin
    Capture Output = Yes

My History

    Add DOS Command,
    Parameters = perl -history $File
    Initial Folder = c:\work\squealer\bin
    Capture Output = Yes

Diff Me

    Add DOS Command,
    Parameters = perl -diff $Prompt(Enter older rev:)
                 -diff $Prompt(Enter newer rev:) -- $File
    Initial Folder = c:\work\squealer\bin
    Capture Output = Yes

Commit Me

    Add DOS Command,
    Parameters = cvs com $File
    Initial Folder = $FileDir
    Capture Output = Yes


    Add Program,
    Command = squealer.bat
    Initial Folder = c:\work\squealer\bin
    Prompt for parameters = Yes

Explorer Open

    Add DOS Command,
    Parameters = perl -o $FileName
    Initial Folder =  c:\work\squealer\bin
    Capture Output = No
    Close DOS windows on exit = Yes

Describe Me

    Add DOS Command,
    Parameters = perl -frisk $UNIXFile
    Initial Folder = c:\work\squealer\bin
    Capture Output = Yes
    Suppress output until completed = Yes
    Regular expression to match output = ^.*file: \(.*\).*line: \([0-9]+\).*
    Registers: File = 1, Line = 2

Quality Check Me

    Add DOS Command,
    Parameters = perl -CodeCheck $UNIXFile
    Initial Folder = c:\work\squealer\bin
    Capture Output = Yes
    Suppress output until completed = Yes
    Regular expression to match output = ^.*file: \(.*\).*line: \([0-9]+\).*
    Registers: File = 1, Line = 2

Search Me

    Add DOS Command,
    Parameters = perl -textpad -grep window 1
                 $Prompt(search me: enter pattern) -exact $FileName
    Initial Folder = c:\work\squealer\bin
    Capture Output = Yes
    Regular expression to match output = ^.*file: \(.*\).*line: \([0-9]+\).*
    Registers: File = 1, Line = 2


    Add DOS Command,
    Parameters = perl -textpad -window 5
                 -grep $Prompt(grep me: enter grep pattern and files)
    Initial Folder = c:\work\squealer\bin
    Capture Output = Yes
    Suppress output until completed = Yes

Load Code Exact

    Add DOS Command,
    Parameters = perl -textpad -loose -methodgrep $SelWord
    Initial Folder = c:\work\squealer\bin
    Capture Output = Yes
    Regular expression to match output = ^.*file: \(.*\).*line: \([0-9]+\).*
    Registers: File = 1, Line = 2

Load Code Partial

    Add DOS Command,
    Parameters = perl -textpad -loose
                 -methodgrep $Prompt(Enter partial tag:)
    Initial Folder = c:\work\squealer\bin
    Capture Output = Yes
    Suppress output until completed = Yes
    Regular expression to match output = ^.*file: \(.*\).*line: \([0-9]+\).*
    Registers: File = 1, Line = 2

Load File From Anywhere

    Add DOS Command,
    Parameters = perl -editre "$SelLine"
    Initial Folder = c:\work\squealer\bin
    Capture Output = Yes

Generate Bean

    Add DOS Command,
    Parameters = perl -genbean $Clip $File
    Initial Folder = c:\work\squealer\bin
    Capture Output = Yes